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Bars Culture Guesthouse Hotel Museum Restaurants

Þórbergssetur á Hala í Suðursveit


Hali Contry Hotel

Þann 21. mars árið 2003 birtist tilkynning á vef Þórbergsseturs um að stofnuð hefði verið…


Þorlákshafn Information Center

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Interesting places Places of interest in the Municipality of Ölfus The municipality of Ölfus is…

Gift Shop Museum Restaurants

Museum and Cultural center in the South East of Iceland – Thorbergssetur


Hali Contry Hotel

Thorbergur centre of culture in Hali in the district Sudursveit of Southeast Iceland. Thorbergur centre…

Activity Apartment Bars Gift Shop Guesthouse Hotel

Hali Country Hotel

Hali Contry Hotel

Hali Country Hotel is located, on the farm Hali in the South East of Iceland.…